Different Types of Mallets

Not enough people have a mallet in their toolboxes even though it’s one of the best and most versatile tools out there. In just about any application, a mallet will do exactly what you need it to.

Having quality-made mallets from RS is a great place to start.. Whether you like to get involved in home improvement or home décor, knowing the different types of mallets can be a huge boost for your toolbox.

Rubber Mallet

There are more mallet types than the ones in this space, but rubber mallets are one of the most common. The name is pretty much spot on, talking about the material of the head even if the handle isn’t. Mallet handles can be made of materials like wood and carbon fiber instead.

Rubber mallets are perfect for situations where you need a little force but don’t want to risk doing damage to the surface in question. You would want to use rubber mallets for things like metalworking, installing carpet, and even installing more fragile materials like tile.

Wooden Mallet

Right up there with rubber mallets are wooden mallets. Wooden mallets are the perfect in-between for delivering force. They deliver a sharper blow than most rubber mallets can without being too forceful like a metal-face hammer.

There is often one misconception when it comes to wooden mallets. Even if a mallet has a wooden handle, that doesn’t necessarily make it a wooden mallet. The head is the focal point, typically made out of hardwoods like oak or maple. Wooden mallets can have different types of handle material to make the grip more comfortable.

Metal Mallet

When we think of metal tools used for hammering, the ball pein hammer is oftentimes the most common item that comes to mind. But the head of that kind of hammer isn’t exactly the biggest, leading to a lot of inefficiencies for something seemingly simple like hammering.

Metal mallets have versatile uses, especially if you require a little more force than the average wooden hammer. Most of the metal mallets you find will be made of either steel or brass, though there are some other options to be had from toolmakers. Metal mallets are also a lot heavier, helping them deliver a lot more force with every blow compared to other mallets. The problem is that more weight makes them a lot tougher to handle. Amateur DIYers may have a tough time swinging them more accurately than a wooden mallet or even a ball pein hammer.

Plastic Mallet

Of the major types of mallets out there, plastic is probably the least common material you will find. Plastic mallets are typically made up of stronger, harder plastics like polycarbonate. This gives them a certain rigidity and hardness while still maintaining a lighter weight.

Plastic mallets are also a lot easier to manage. Smaller projects that require a little more force would be well served by plastic mallets. The problem here is that plastic mallets don’t have the same kind of strength that you would find in metal or even wooden mallets.

Bench Mallet

Not everyone has a huge, open space to work within. The bench mallet is great for working in tighter spaces and can be used with just one hand. This is thanks, in part, to the much shorter handle that bench mallets.

Bench mallets are a favorite tool of carpenters, jewelers, and blacksmiths. The bench mallet has just enough force to shape metal, hit wood, and be of use in a variety of applications that need to be done in a small space.

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