Communication Problem Otherwise Known As

Communication Problems

Whether it is between two people or a team, communication is a hugely important aspect of any relationship. When communication fails, it can have serious consequences for everyone involved.

Identifying problems in communication is important for avoiding any long-term damages. Often, communication problems can be spotted by observing how teams collaborate.

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Apraxia is a communication problem otherwise known as motor speech disorder. It affects children and adults who cannot move their lips or tongue correctly to make the sounds needed for words.

To make words, messages need to be sent from the brain to the muscles in the mouth. If these messages don’t get through, it can be difficult for people to say words or even to understand what they are saying.

There are many causes of apraxia, including genetic problems, neurological disorders, or injuries to the brain that cause damage to the underlying areas. It’s common for the disorder to develop during childhood or in adulthood, and it can be triggered by a variety of things.

The condition can be diagnosed by a specialist called a speech-language pathologist, or SLP. They will evaluate your child’s speech skills and expressive and receptive language abilities, as well as their family history of communication challenges.

A person with apraxia will usually start therapy at home, where they can receive individual and group treatment by a qualified SLP. The therapist will use video chat technology to communicate with the patient and help them improve their verbal communication skills.

During speech-language therapy, the SLP will focus on helping the person with apraxia to improve their ability to initiate and sequence the sound patterns that make up words. In addition, they may also help them practice using sign language or other methods of alternative communication (AAC).

When a person with apraxia starts to improve their skills, they can often begin to speak better without much help from the therapist. However, if the person continues to have difficulty communicating, they will likely require ongoing therapy.

There are many forms of apraxia and it’s important to understand what type your loved one has so that you can support them effectively. Some people with apraxia may find it easier to talk when they are relaxed, so be gentle and kind as you communicate with them.

A good SLP will have experience with apraxia, so they can tailor their treatment to meet your loved one’s needs. They can also work with your loved one’s doctor to provide treatment for any underlying conditions that might be contributing to their apraxia.


Dysarthria, a communication problem otherwise known as motor speech disorder, is a condition that affects the muscles of speech. It is usually caused by a brain injury or neurological illness, such as a stroke.

It happens when the nerve fibers in the brain don’t relay enough information about the way you use your muscles. This can cause a problem with the respiratory (breathing) system, phonation (voicing), articulation (speech), and prosody (patterns of stress and intonation).

The brain sends signals to and from the outer layer of the cerebrum to the parts of the brain that control muscle movement. These parts include the brain stem and parts of the thalamus, which are responsible for muscle coordination.

People with dysarthria may have problems with breathing, phonation, articulation, or prosody, as well as resonance (the quality of speech sounds). You can also have slurred speech.

There are many different types of dysarthria. The type of dysarthria is determined by the area or areas of the brain that are damaged. It is possible for the damage to be to one side of the brain or both sides.

The condition can be a sign of a serious illness, so it’s important to see your doctor if you have sudden changes in how you speak. It may be a sign of a brain tumour, stroke, or another type of serious condition.

You may be given a prescription for medication that will help with your symptoms. You can also visit a speech-language pathologist, who will work with you to learn new ways of communicating with others.

Your therapist will ask you to perform some simple tasks, such as identifying letters and saying words. They will also look at how your mouth, tongue, and other facial muscles move when you talk.

The most effective treatment for dysarthria is to try and correct the problem. For example, a therapist might teach you to use slower delivery and emphasize words, so that you can express yourself more clearly. They might also help you find ways to communicate with other people, such as by using hand gestures or facial expressions.


Communication problems are a breakdown in sending or receiving information through body language, facial expression, eye contact, tone of voice and gesture. Symptoms include confusion, difficulty speaking and understanding what others are saying.

Stroke is a serious medical condition that can cause permanent disability if not treated quickly. Treatment can prevent the brain cells from dying, reducing the damage caused by stroke.

A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted or reduced. The cells in the area that is damaged die in minutes, causing brain damage. A stroke can happen in anyone, but certain people have a greater risk of getting one. They are older, overweight or have health conditions that increase their stroke risk.

Ischemic strokes are caused by blockages in the arteries that supply blood to the brain, such as clots or pieces of plaque. The blockages can happen for no reason or they may be the result of long-standing high cholesterol, a previous heart attack or abnormal blood pressure.

Depending on how severe the damage is, treatment can help restore the ability to communicate. In addition to medications, therapy can involve physical exercises and rehabilitation. It can also involve speech and swallowing therapy.

To diagnose a stroke, a doctor will ask about symptoms and perform a physical exam. He or she will also check for other conditions that can contribute to stroke. This includes an ECG, a test of electrical activity in the brain.

The ECG can show changes in the brain waves, called T-waves, which indicate a lack of blood flow to the brain. It can also show if an artery is leaking or bursting, which is the cause of hemorrhagic strokes.

An MRI or CT scan can also help determine the location and extent of the stroke. A SPECT or PET scan can also be helpful, especially for stable strokes that aren’t due to a blood clot.

A person who experiences a sudden weakness, numbness or paralysis in an arm or leg or a drooping mouth (paresthesia) may be having a stroke. They could also be having trouble seeing in one or both eyes.

Hearing Loss

When a person can’t understand what other people say, it’s called a communication problem. This can happen in any form of communication, including non-verbal, verbal or written.

Hearing loss is a common communication problem that can affect both individuals and their loved ones. It is caused by a number of factors, including ageing and a genetic predisposition to hearing loss.

Most people with hearing loss will not have any symptoms of their condition until they have been tested and diagnosed. This can make it difficult for them to admit they have a hearing problem and receive treatment early.

It is estimated that over one in three people over the age of 65 have some degree of hearing loss. This can mean difficulty communicating with others, and often results in social isolation and a higher risk of loneliness.

The ear is a complex structure that helps us hear. Each of the ear’s parts has its own role in converting sound waves into signals that can be sent to the brain.

As we grow older, our ears lose the ability to transmit sounds through the outer, middle and inner ear. This is called age-related hearing loss (presbycusis).

In most cases, you can’t stop your age-related hearing loss, but there are things you can do to help you continue to communicate with your family and friends. You can wear a hearing aid, take part in hearing rehabilitation and get advice from your doctor or audiology specialist on ways to improve your hearing.

There are two main types of hearing loss: conductive and sensorineural. The conductive type happens when something blocks the passage of sound through the ear canal and into the middle ear. This can be due to earwax buildup, fluid in the ear or damage to the eardrum or bones in the middle ear.

Symptoms of conductive hearing loss can include ringing in the ears, pain or a feeling of pressure in the ear. It can also occur as a sudden change in hearing or in the way you hear words.

A hearing test can help you find out if you have a hearing problem, which is why it’s important to see an audiologist. Audiologists and hearing aid specialists can help you work through your hearing issues, so that you can communicate effectively with your loved ones. They can also recommend hearing aids or other assistive devices, like captioning, that will help you to enjoy better communication as your hearing changes.

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